Internet Merchant Account - The Gateway Payment
The Gateway Payment Connection is a secure web server that provides
an interface for merchant websites that require real-time transaction
processing. The merchants either have an SSL server or not and can connect
via http with the payment gateway to get a real-time credit card card
authorization. The Payment Connection is NOT a plug-in to software packages
purchased by merchants, but rather a series of scripts that reside on
our Secure Payment Servers that provide an http interface for the merchant
website to connect. The Gateway Payment Connection does nothing more
than fetch an authorization and pass that information back to the merchant
server. It is up to the merchant to do whatever pre and post-processing
that is required, such as storing order information, sending email invoice
notification, and logging of transactions. Payment gateway information such as the most popular gateways can be found on this website.

Gateway (Quick Reference)
What is required of you in your shopping cart?
Having the Gateway package allows you to create the shopping cart
interface. You must be able to use the POST method to send the required
information to a cgi script of ours. There are two different cgi scripts
to connect to, the difference between the two is detailed below:
1. Process.cgi:
The process.cgi script url is sent with you in your Gateway setup email.
You would want to use this particular script when you DO NOT have a
secured web page. Credit card information' must be entered into a secured
page, the process.cgi script requires certain information from the page
that is connecting to it. The process.cgi page will also ask the user
for their billing information (including credit card). The variables
that must be pass to the process.cgi script are:
**Note that the bold-faced words are how the variables
need to be name (case sensitive)
1. Merchant - merchant name assigned by us
2. OrderID - unique order ID
3. total - US dollars without '$'
4. email - billing email address (optional)
5. URL - the website in which we will redirect the user after
2. Direct.cgi:
The direct.cgi script is for merchants who will be taking the user's
credit card information on their own secured server. The direct.cgi
script requires the merchant to POST the below information:
1. Merchant - merchant name assigned by us
2. OrderID - unique order ID
3. total - US dollars without '$'
4. URL - the website in which we will redirect the user after transaction
5. Cardname - type of credit card
6. Cardnum1 - first 4 numbers on card
7. Cardnum2 - second 4 numbers on card
8. Cardnum3 - third 4 numbers on card
9. Cardnum4 - fourth 4 numbers on card
10. NameonCard - name of cardholder
11. Cardstreet - street of cardholder
12. Cardcity - city of cardholder
13. Cardstate - state of cardholder
14. Cardzip - zip code of cardholder
15. Cardcountry - country of cardholder
16. CardexpM - expiration month, format ex: 04
17. CardexpY - expiration year, format ex: 01
18. email - email address of customer (optional)
What will you return back to me for both the process.cgi
and direct.cgi?
Our script will use the GET method to return the following
information to the
URL that it was given:
1. OrderID
2. total
3. Status - will return 1 if success, 0 if failed
4. approval_code - approval code returned by bank
5. authresponse - authorization response returned by bank.
6. avs - address verifcation service returned by bank.
7. Cardname
8. NameonCard
9. Cardstreet
10. Cardcity
11. Cardstate
12. Cardzip
13. Cardcountry
14. Email
What is the Gateway API?
To utilize the gateway API and obtain a credit card authorization,
you must have obtained a merchant credit card processing account through
us at one of our accepted processing networks. Your Web server or transaction
server MUST be capable of performing an https (SSL) silent post to our
transaction servers and receive that data, not in the form of a URL
but as a text string that can be parsed for results.
What to I need to POST toyou?
merchant |
(Merchant name assigned by us) |
password |
(Merchant password assigned by us) |
operation_type |
Auth |
orderid |
total |
(In US Dollars. Example 59.99 No $ signs.) |
cardname |
(Visa, Amex, Discover or MasterCard) |
cardnum1 |
First 4 Numbers on Card |
cardnum2 |
Second 4 Numbers on Card |
cardnum3 |
Third 4 Numbers on Card |
cardnum4 |
Last 4 Numbers on Card - 3 digits for
Amex |
cardexpm |
Card Expiration Month - Format MM |
cardexpy |
Card Expiration Year - Format YY DO NOT SEND XXXX
(example 2001) |
nameoncard |
Card Holders Name |
cardstreet |
Card Holders Billing Street |
cardcity |
Card Holders Billing City |
cardstate |
Card Holders Billing State |
cardzip |
Card Holders Billing Zip |
cardcountry |
Card Holders Billing Country |
What do you send back to me?
We send back a pipe(|) delimited string with the following
String Value Return
Indicates Authorization Approved.
Indicates Authorization Declined.
Authorization Code Generally a five or six character code sent by the
Authorization Response The Successful or Declined message from the bank.
AVS Code Address Verification Code signifying matches in the card holders
Order ID Echoed back from the server that was provided in the secure
What does your response look like?
Successful Response:
1|411111|Authorization Approved|Y|123456-1
Declined Response:
0|ND|Invalid Card||123456-1 *Note - that no AVS field on declines.
